Tuesday, August 25, 2009
8:32 PM
I love you.

Hello lovelehz.
Haha, okay been like so many years since someone blogged huh? So ill be very very very very nice and revive this dead blog. Haha (:
Haha so how are you guys? HAHA, LOL this is so funny cuz im with ya'll now yet im asking this on our blog, sigh sigh sigh sigh. Haha, anyway our class tee is the BOMB! Say thanks to Marsha's dad for printing our tees in less than 1 week eh? Haha, yay me love (L).
Okay, i hope all of your CT results are awesome, i have faith in you :>. Haha study hard for End Years k! You can can can can can do it :)
Haha, okay anyway, All hail the new Class Chair & Vice!
Xiulun & Ee Faye. HAHA ok random.
Love, the awesome one.